An Analytical study on the Applicability for Relieving Phobias, Abnormal Behaviours and Addictions through Buddhist Psychotherapy with BACP – No. 15 was conducted on 20th December 2024 on Institute premises. Research Topic: Is it possible to cure Abnormal Behaviors, Phobias and Addictions through Counselling Behavioral Therapy with BACP? Conducted by: Dr. Ruwanpathirana (PhD), Dip. In Clinical...Read More
Why Pursue a Degree from the Nāgānanda International Institute for Buddhist Studies (NIIBS Campus)? The Nāgānanda International Institute for Buddhist Studies (NIIBS Campus) is a prestigious educational institution established in the capital of Sri Lanka, approved by the Ministry of Higher Education and recognized by the University Grants Commission, which offers accredited degree programs. We...Read More